The Parkinsons - Stay at home Mom, Truck driving Dad, and a very cute little boy.. Living the dream

The Parkinsons - Stay at home mom, hard working dad, and one very cute little boy.... living the dream.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


During my pregnancy, I constantly craved fruits and veggies... which has resulted in the boy LOVING all fruits and veggies (YEAH!!!!).  I have loved the fact that I don't have to battle it out with him to eat the things he needs to - just to eat in general is a task (playing can be so much more important).  His most favorite food is by far tomatoes - taoes as he says it (sounds just like tomatoes minus the m - step up from what he used to call them, toes). 

Recently, we went to the grocery store and he didn't want anything to do with being in the cart.  The place was slow enough and I had not much else on my to-do list, so I thought why not let him "help" me push the cart and run around a little bit - that way we'll both be happy at the end of the shopping excursion.  Everything went fine until we got to the produce section, and he caught sight of the tomatoes.  I turned around and grabbed one of the plastic produce bags, and when i turned back to Jack he was happily chomping down on one of the tomatoes that was in a low bin.  "Yum!" he proudly says to me and goes in for another bite.  I quickly get it away from him and try to tell him that we need to pay for things before we eat them, and I put the bit tomato into the bag... and before I can do anything else, he's at it again & this time double-fisting it.  After several more tries to get him to stop, I finally was able to corral him away from the tomatoes long enough to get the now screaming toddler into the shopping cart.  We left the grocery store not very happy, and with SIX additional tomatoes. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oi Vay...

I say this EVERY TIME - I really need to update this thing way more often than I do...BUT I do have a very valid reason for not updating until now - we've been moving and settling into our new place, our new place which needed a LOT of work (everything except for paint is being reimbursed by our awesome landlord) and we've had no internet until today, so there you go. 

We now live up on top of a hill in Rock Springs, which makes for more silent nights and beautiful views on our drives to anywhere. We no longer have loud neighbors,

Monday, April 2, 2012

Yet another first....

 Notice anything different about the boy? 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

the cutest things....

the boy does and says the cutest things... I love every minute of it until I think my heart is going to burst.  And then he figures out how to pull out all of our dvds and make a huge mess while I'm putting away laundry and my bursting subsides for the moment.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

resolutions, schmesolutions

Who needs resolutions when the day brings a lot of reflection - how could it not?  And looking back at the past 12 months, I'm amazed at how much has changed around me - and how much I have changed. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

This post will be lacking something - no pics.  My computer was ransacked by a "backdoor trojan" and have been forced to use the hubs laptop in the meantime until everything gets sorted out.  I'm grateful to have connection to the internet, but sorely miss my computer with my settings, bookmarks etc. I'm hoping that this will be a short-lived time on the lappytop.

Jack has officially turned 16 months and quickly working on his terrible twos...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

an attempt at many things

I'm attempting at trying to make this a habit of updating far more often than I have been.  I think that the main reason I think why I didn't/don't do it too often is because I feel like my life is far too boring for anyone to WANT to read about.  Jack's growth and development isn't new and exciting everyday/week, and today was the first time I put makeup on and went outside my house today.  And Brandon works - HIS daily activities are so interesting because he deals with a lot of people that are one of two things: 1) they're not the sharpest knife in the block; or 2) high on meth.  But I wouldn't be able to relay the stories so well - first hand account is so much better.  So I'm stuck with finding the interesting parts of my life and hopefully making this worthwhile to read...