The Parkinsons - Stay at home Mom, Truck driving Dad, and a very cute little boy.. Living the dream

The Parkinsons - Stay at home mom, hard working dad, and one very cute little boy.... living the dream.

Monday, November 29, 2010

my favorites

These are my favorite two videos of Jack...

yeah for me!

I FINALLY got the technology in order for me to download my little video clips onto YouTube which means all you people can now see my horrible filming skills and lack of editing programs.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

'Tis Thanksgiving eve... or the pre-dawn hours of the actual day...

oh my heavens - I'm a horrible blogger!  Not only did I totally skip out on my kids 3mo update (lets face it kids: it's not gonna happen as a single post...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

wait, what? I blinked and time flew...

this last month went by FAST!  Too fast!  So fast, that Jack entering in his 3rd month of life has caught me off guard and I don't have any pics or a posting ready... booooo on me for being a bad blogger.

you can't say I didn't warn you....