The Parkinsons - Stay at home Mom, Truck driving Dad, and a very cute little boy.. Living the dream

The Parkinsons - Stay at home mom, hard working dad, and one very cute little boy.... living the dream.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I should have expected this to happen...

Today while quietly feeding Jack in the wee hours of the morning, I was reveling in the quiet time I had with my Mr. Man.  His cherubic face was serene while we looked at each other, and his gentle sighs as his little tummy filled up were such bliss for this new mom.  As feeding time goes on, he slows down and stops eating (this is normal for a child of my husband - my husband whose eating pace is out matched by a sloth.).  I gently rub his back hoping he won't take too long when the wee babe lets out a ginormous fart - one that would challenge any adult.  He unlatches and grins one of the biggest grins I've seen on him so far as I react with a loud "woo!" and gives me the best belly laugh for a good few minutes to express how proud of his accomplishment he is.  I have no one to blame but myself for having that bean burrito for dinner last night...


  1. Hi Jen! Love reading the's a great way to keep up with all the news babies!

  2. Such a boy!!! I love it! amazing how young they start, huh?

  3. HA! conor loves to rip loud ones too. he usually waits for prime moments like sacrament meeting when it's dead quiet or sunday school when everyone is falling asleep. i always feel so immature laughing about it, but come on, it's HILarious.

    i call them man toots. because if you didn't see him you would totally think it was a man.

    atta boy jack!
