The Parkinsons - Stay at home Mom, Truck driving Dad, and a very cute little boy.. Living the dream

The Parkinsons - Stay at home mom, hard working dad, and one very cute little boy.... living the dream.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I feel like I need to post something... ANYTHING really... but what to post?  Yes, we all know how adorable our little Jack Rabbit is... but if ALL of my posts are about him, I'm afraid that those of you who are not of blood relation will stray from my puny, little blog.  And really, I DO have other things going on besides being a mom (even though everyday feels all consuming of motherhood) and I would like to share those things... but then again there is the fear of boring the heck out of those reading this, but really is it MY job to entertain you all??? LOL...

So, please forgive if this blog is a total snore for you, but it is what it is... any suggestions would be much appreciated as well ;)

For those of you needing a Jack fix, here you go!


  1. dude. don't worry about the mommy blogging... that is what your life is all about right now. most of my posts are about my kids... or me trying to figure out how to deal with my kids... or the awesome/hilarious things they do. i want to hear more about mr. jack!

  2. i would love to have a sweet little baby to blog glad you have such darling bloggy material to talk about!!
